Colorado Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline:  1-844-CO-4-KIDS  (1-844-264-5437)

Thank You to Everyone Who Attending our Sexualized Behaviors: From Normal to Problematic Training!

We had a great turn out at our training January 30th on the topic of ?Sexualized Behaviors: From Normal to Problematic? that took place at the unique community space, Re:Vision. In between community members, DCAC staff members, and mental health professionals, there were great conversations and questions around how to best recognize normal and problematic sexualized behaviors to make stronger and more informed decisions on when to intervene and seek professional help. We thank you all whom attended and have had interest in this ongoing project. Your continued leadership and support of Launch Together and Denver?s Early Childhood Council, make it possible for us to educate on the challenging, yet important topics that help to promote safety for our Colorado children and youth.

Tuvimos gran exito y atendencia ayer sobre  el tema de ?El Desarollo Sexual de Los Ninos: Lo Apropiado hasta lo Problematico? que se llevó a cabo en un espacio comunitario Re: Visión. Entre los miembros de la comunidad, los miembros del personal de DCAC y los profesionales de la salud mental, hubieron grandes conversaciones y preguntas acerca cómo reconocer mejor los comportamientos sexuales normales y problemáticos para tomar decisiones más fuertes y más informadas sobre cuándo intervenir y buscar ayuda profesional. Les agradecemos a todos los que asistieron y han tenido interés en este proyecto en curso. Su continuo liderazgo y apoyo de Launch Together y Denver?s Early Childhood Council, nos permiten educar sobre los desafíos, pero ain importantes temas que ayudan a promover la seguridad de nuestros niños y jóvenes de Colorado.




For 30 years, we have remained committed to our non-partisan mission: ensuring every single child receives the highest quality care to heal and thrive. We will continue this commitment today and into the future.