Colorado Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline:  1-844-CO-4-KIDS  (1-844-264-5437)

Colorado Gives Day 2020

Because of you, we reached our goal and raised $30,000! To all of the wonderful supporters who generously supported us on #COGivesDay, thank you so very much!

The pandemic has many families in a constant state of change and worry. As economic instability, food and housing insecurities, and parental stress escalate, so does the risk of child abuse and neglect.  

As first responders, DCAC has always been here for our kids and families, no matter how hard it is. Our team of mental health professionals and forensic interviewers are on the front lines of this crisis, supporting families in their hour of need.

We are humbled by the support our community showed Denver Children’s Advocacy Center on Colorado Gives Day. Your generosity allows us to continue our fight against child abuse and neglect. And your gift will go a long way for those kids; approximately 85% of every dollar donated goes directly to our program services. Thank you to all those who donated (along with many anonymous supporters not listed):

Megan & Craig Ackley
Sue and Harvey Allon
Kevin Anderson
Jesse Andrews
Leslie Baldwin
Stacy Bourke
Jeanette K Bowers
Will Braunstein
Debra Brown
Nicolas Capra
Carpenter Pediatric Dentistry
James Carr
Matt Chandler
Angela Davidson
Joshua Davis
Michelle & Josh Davis
Mary DelVecchio
Jordan Dunbar
Kathy Duncan
Kelly Dunkin
Karyn Alison Dyckova
Kim (Ela) Carlson
Kim & Kevin Fickes
Veronica Figoli Fleischer
Kamran and Relleen Firooz
Shelley Flanagan
Brooke Fleischmann
Tashina & Justin Garrett
Lannie Garrett
Patrick Orzechowski
Jim & Karen Gruber
Matt & Dana Hall
James W Halpenny
Janet Hartmann
Cathy Hatter
Catherine Hay
Cheryl Heaton
Vicki & Barry Henderson
Raquel Hernandez
Matt Hogan
Marcy Kaufman
Denise Kuwitzky
Agustín Leone
The Levesque Family
Joey Licata
Karen C Loeb
Corrina Madrid
Hayley Merrigan
Mary & Bill Morgan
Maggie and Mitch Morrissey
Marie Avery Moses
Adam Moskowitz
Melissa Moya
Ken Nelson
Nikki Olson 
Donna Parker
Deborah Reed
Ann Repass
Scott E Reynolds
Joshua and Nicole Riehl
Mandy M. Rigg Consulting, Inc. 
Aaron Risch & Allison Drexel
Christie Rivet
Joseph and Melissa Robles
Meghan Salzwedel
Teresa Sanman
Ken Singer & Sandy Spellman
Paul Smith
Chad and Lauren Snee
Trupti and Chris
Rhonda Sweeney & Eric Thompson
Joseph & Ashley Teipel
Curtis Thompson
Kristine Thornham
Lynne D. Valencia
Phil  von Hake
Todd and Amanda Wahlstrom 
Jane Walsh
Leah Watada
Dan Weinstein
Dawn Welch
Joyce Welsh
Shira and Marty Zimmerman


For 30 years, we have remained committed to our non-partisan mission: ensuring every single child receives the highest quality care to heal and thrive. We will continue this commitment today and into the future.