Colorado Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline:  1-844-CO-4-KIDS  (1-844-264-5437)

Jane Doe, age 9

Jane is 9 years old. She lives in Denver with her parents and two siblings. Her father?s business partner and fraternity brother had always been close to the family, but only he and Jane know his deepest secrets.

When Jane began to regress in school, a caring teacher ? who had been trained by DCAC ? knew something wasn?t right. Jane confided in her teacher about the things her ?Uncle Jerry? demanded she do. He?d said if she ever told, they would both be in trouble and her father would lose his business, leaving her family nowhere to live.

Jane?s teacher immediately reported the abuse and Jane was brought in for a forensic interview, where she told the secret she had been holding in for so long. DCAC staff provided counseling services for Jane and her entire family.



Learn how you can join us to Save Jane.


For 30 years, we have remained committed to our non-partisan mission: ensuring every single child receives the highest quality care to heal and thrive. We will continue this commitment today and into the future.