Colorado Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline:  1-844-CO-4-KIDS  (1-844-264-5437)

Spring happenings at DCAC

The DCAC team is committed to empowering communities with prevention strategies and engaging in outreach to provide resources and support.

This spring, students at Oakland, Holm, and Cory Elementary Schools learned about self-respect and safety. Students such as those pictured above learned how to say no to an unwanted touch (even if it doesn’t hurt them) and how to kindly and firmly communicate with peers and adults when they feel uncomfortable. They worked through scenarios and developed safety plans that will help them to protect and advocate for themselves in daily life. The fourth graders even developed a hand signal to show one another that they feel uncomfortable.

Our Community Outreach team is gearing up for April: Child Abuse Prevention Month. We are working with community partners, the Mexican Consulate, and with news stations to raise awareness about the prevention of abuse in kids.

Our Outreach team also met with Amigos de Mexico to learn about and help address the fears of immigrant parents as it pertains to mental wellbeing and services for themselves and their children.

Our partnership with MSU and CIRC to develop UndocuHub has really taken off this year. The Outreach team has been distributing a survey to identify mental well being themes that community members are interested in.  We look forward to several trainings in the coming months.

Our outreach team met with Amigos de Meixco.

For 30 years, we have remained committed to our non-partisan mission: ensuring every single child receives the highest quality care to heal and thrive. We will continue this commitment today and into the future.