Colorado Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline:  1-844-CO-4-KIDS  (1-844-264-5437)

Leave A Legacy

DCAC works to improve the lives of children traumatized by physical and sexual abuse, neglect, and violence—as well as those at high risk—with prevention, education, and direct services.

A gift in your will or estate plans is a simple, flexible and versatile way to ensure that DCAC can continue its work for years to come

This type of gift in your will or living trust is known as a charitable bequest. It also entitles your estate to an unlimited federal estate tax charitable deduction. If you include Denver Children’s Advocacy Center in your plans, please use our legal name and federal tax ID.

Legal Name: Denver Children’s Advocacy Center 2149 Federal Boulevard Denver, CO 80211 Federal ID # 84-1155873

To participate, please print and mail in this Legacy Donor Planned Gift Intention Form, or fill out the digital submission form at the bottom of this page.

We provide ongoing counseling and support to victims.

One easy way to assist DCAC with its work after your life is to do a beneficiary designation.

A beneficiary designation clearly identifies how specific assets will be distributed after your death. Just name DCAC as a beneficiary to receive assets such as retirement plans and life insurance policies after you are gone. You simply fill out a form that is entirely separate from your will—which makes this approach an easy way to give.

In addition to being easy, it is also flexible—if you change your mind, you are not locked in to a prior commitment. You can review and adjust beneficiary designations anytime you want.

To implement a beneficiary designation, you just fill out a form and share with your insurance or retirement plan administrator.

Be sure and talk to your financial or legal advisor to learn which assets will or will not cause taxable income when received by your beneficiary. As a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, the advantage of giving to DCAC is that 100% of your gift will come to the Center.

Legacy Donor Form

Designated Gifts

Support the part of our work that you care about most. DCAC can establish a special fund in your name to support one of our core program areas.

Questions? Contact Michelle Davis:

Hope Start Here–with YOU! Join the fight against child abuse. Create your Hope Starts Here fundraising page today and make a difference for children in need! Learn more.