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National Children’s Alliance 2016 Leadership Conference
Earlier this month, two of DCAC?s directors, Amber Stead, Director of Finance and Operations, and Jodi Byrnes, Director of the Forensic Interview Program, attended the

DCAC Goes to Coors Field
Each year, the Colorado Rockies Wives work hard to make an impact in the community. Thanks to the outpouring of support from Rockies fans over

Colfax Marathon
A huge thank you to all 24 persons participating in the Colfax Marathon May 14 & 15. The weather was cool and windy, but the

AMP the Cause – 11th Annual Community Day
A big Thank You to all the dedicated volunteers from Davis Graham & Stubbs LLP, for all the hard work that they put in for AMP’s

Employees at SM Energy raise awareness of Child Abuse Prevention Month
Thanks to all of the Denver based employees at SM Energy, who wore blue and supported the cause to raise awareness for National Child Abuse Prevention Month! The pinwheels

Roadrunners Give Back Day
A huge thank you to the wonderful team of staff, students and friends who came to the Denver Children?s Advocacy Center campus Friday, April 22nd