Colorado Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline:  1-844-CO-4-KIDS  (1-844-264-5437)

Other Ways to Give

Protecting our children is one of the most important roles we all play as neighbors, community members, friends, parents, caregivers, and grandparents. By investing in DCAC – a 501(c)3 non-profit organization – you can make a huge impact in the lives of the of the children we serve!

Questions? Contact Michelle Davis:

Our needs reflect the unique services we provide to children on their path to stability. For example, we often use art therapy during counseling sessions. Therapeutic art expression and play are ways children mediate and resolve traumatic experiences. We also provide child-friendly snacks and refreshments to help children feel more comfortable.

Following is a wish list of items you can help us keep stocked!


Juice boxes, popcorn, goldfish crackers, fruit gummy snacks, cheese and crackers, peanut butter and crackers, and granola bars

New Toys

New stuffed animals and other new toys

Child Backpack Supplies

New boy/girl underwear (all sizes), new socks, combs and brushes, mini toothpastes and toothbrushes, deodorant, soap, feminine hygiene products

Family Resources

RTD bus tokens, gas station giftcards

Agency Supplies

Washable markers, paper towels, toilet paper, hand soap in dispenser or refills, Clorox or Lysol wipes, copy paper (8 ½ x 11), handheld vacuum

Winter Supplies

New boy/girl coats (all sizes), new gloves, scarves, and hats (all sizes), 
new sweatshirts (all sizes), new blankets

General School Supplies

Paper, pencils, pens, rulers, notebooks, backpacks

Art Supplies

Washable markers, crayons, paints, paint brushes, drawing pads, large-sized drawing paper, 4×4 art canvases (4×4, 6×8, 8×10), and kinetic sand

You can also visit our DCAC amazon registry at this link.

Rally your friends, family and co-workers together to support DCAC without ever having to leave the house. Create a fundraising campaign for Hope Starts Here (our Child Abuse Prevention Month campaign in Aprii) or anytime during the year. The power of connection can never be underestimated. Visit this page to get started today! 

Have an unused vehicle you no longer want to keep? Use the link below to connect with CARS (Charitable Adult Rides and Services), a nationally recognized social enterprise nonprofit. They will take your vehicle, the proceeds will come to DCAC, and you will receive a tax deduction for your gift. Learn more.

Participating in the charitable giving campaign sponsored by your employer is an easy way to help us accomplish our mission. Simply sign up to contribute by directing a portion of your paycheck to the Denver Children’s Advocacy Center. Your tax-deductible donation is automatically sent to us to help support DCAC programs and services.

Some businesses work through the United Way Campaign. If your employer offers a United Way program, ask your administrator how you can designate your gift to the Denver Children’s Advocacy Center.

The ReFUND CO initiative lets you donate all or a portion of your state tax refund to a non-profit of your choice. To donate to DCAC:

  1. Decide how much of your refund to donate.
  2. Enter Denver Children’s Advocacy Center and our registration number, #20033003997, in the Donate to a Colorado Nonprofit Fund line on your state income tax return or tax software, or just give this info to your tax preparer when you share your tax documents.

Learn more about this program at

Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Denver Children’s Advocacy Center.

Shop and Support DCAC

With matching gifts, you can sometimes double or even triple your gift! Many employers offer matching gift programs and will match charitable contributions made by employees. Check with the human resources office of your employer for the appropriate forms to fill out to receive this benefit.

Federal government employees and members of the U.S. Military Forces can support the DCAC through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) by designating their contribution to CFC# 32178.

Who doesn’t love a good birthday party? At DCAC, we celebrate birthdays all year long! We invite you to pledge your birthday and fundraise to support the 1 in 10 children who will be sexually abused before their 18th birthdays. Because birthdays should be a celebration – not a statistic of childhood sexual abuse. 

How to Pledge? If you are ready to pledge your birthday, consider using DCAC’s CrowdRise account or Facebook birthday fundraisers.

Let’s celebrate together!

Denver Children’s Advocacy Center is fortunate to enjoy the generosity of organizations, businesses and friends in the community who are willing to support us by hosting an event and donating the proceeds to our organization.

Corporate Events

Ideas for businesses might include:

  • Host a grand opening or open house and invite customers, colleagues, and friends to bring donations for Denver Children’s Advocacy Center.
  • Get new people into your business and support DCAC by offering to donate a specific dollar amount if someone tries your product or service. Examples: Test drive a new car and we will donate $20.00 or come in and try our new dinner special and we will donate $5.00
  • Donate a portion of your sales to DCAC on a certain product or service.
  • Develop your own unique event to raise awareness, have fun and support DCAC.
  • Host a DCAC staff member at your office to learn more about DCAC

Third Party Fundraising Events

Frequently, people spend their own time and money to host a personalized event with family, friends, co-workers and neighbors to help make a far-reaching impact for our children and families.

If you are interested in finding out more about how to host a event in support of DCAC, contact Michelle Davis, Development Director, at or 720-974-7231.

Hope Start Here–with YOU! Join the fight against child abuse. Create your Hope Starts Here fundraising page today and make a difference for children in need! Learn more.