Denver Children’s Advocacy Center is a leader in the response to reports of child abuse and neglect in the City of Denver.
We coordinate multi-disciplinary teams of first responders
This includes law enforcement ‘special victims’ personnel and healthcare providers. We directly conduct forensic interviews of child victims.
We provide comprehensive counseling services to child victims and their non-offending family members
Through developmentally sensitive, biologically respectful approaches, we coordinate health and mental health care for child trauma victims and their non-offending family members.
We collaborate with our community to protect kids through prevention-focused initiatives
Prevention is always better than treatment. We empower our community to keep children safe through outreach efforts, training, and educational programing for children.
Research shows that children who have been victimized, but receive effective therapy, are less likely to…
Abuse drugs or alcohol
Become victims of domestic violence
Suffer from mental health disorders
Become involved in criminal activity
And are more likely to become happy, well-adjusted, contributing members of society.
Become a
There are many different ways to volunteer with DCAC, ranging from short-term opportunities to ongoing. Volunteers make a difference in the lives of our children and families.